Please understand that refunds are not possible after certain deadlines. No refunds on deposits after August 15, 2025. No entry fee refunds after August 25, 2025. All programs require booking of facilities, scheduling of games, and the purchase of equipment. The monies have been spent on your program.Thank you for your careful planning.
Send your eTransfer to Choose one of the following:
Please understand that refunds are not possible after certain deadlines. No deposit refunds after August 15, 2025. No entry fee refunds after August 25, 2025. All programs require booking of facilities, scheduling of games, and the purchase of equipment. The monies have been spent on your program. Thank you for your careful planning.
Important - please email Tim separately and advise of the incoming eTransfer. In your letter, advise of the secret question and the answer. All fee's MUST be paid in full prior to your first game.
You have the option to pay Tim in cash. Please contact him by phone 705-499-1515 or email to schedule an appointment.
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
Tim Simpson, 31 Martin Street, North Bay, Ontario, Canada P1A 1K8